1. PURPOSE. Under this agreement, HOTELES BOGOTÁ PLAZA S.A., domiciled in Bogotá, NIT 860.046.192-4, hereinafter referred to as “the HOTEL,” shall provide the GUEST with lodging services in the assigned room for the number of nights specified in the header of the hotel registration card, as well as any additional services requested by the GUEST, in exchange for a fee. Under no circumstances shall the stay exceed 30 consecutive days. 1.1.- The assigned room and the nightly rate shall be as stated in the Hotel Registration Card. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the HOTEL reserves the right to change the assigned room, and the GUEST shall accept such change, provided that the new room offers equal or better conditions or if the change is due to force majeure. 1.2.- Check-in time is from 15:00 (3:00 p.m.) on the day of arrival, and check-out time is until 13:00 (1:00 p.m.) on the day of departure. The period between these times constitutes the hotel day. Early check-in or late check-out is subject to availability, and the GUEST must pay the corresponding fee. 1.3.- Lodging services shall be provided regardless of the actual time the GUEST spends in the room. Partial use of the room shall incur the full nightly rate. 1.4.- The provision of lodging services and any complementary services offered by the HOTEL shall be subject to availability, as well as to the schedules, shifts, or physical availability of the supplies, goods, facilities, or spaces required for their provision.
2. PRICE. 2.1.- The price under this agreement corresponds to the nightly rate that the GUEST agrees to pay, as stated in the hotel registration card, including applicable taxes. This amount will be detailed in the corresponding invoice, which shall serve as an enforceable document for all legal purposes. If taxes do not apply due to an exempt or excluded transaction, the invoice will reflect the rate without taxes. 2.2.- The GUEST must also pay all charges related to food, beverages, laundry, and any other expenses incurred during their stay that they choose to charge to their account. 2.3.- The GUEST acknowledges that they have been informed of the rates, fees, and general pricing of the rooms per night, including taxes. Rates may vary from one night to another. 2.4.- Failure to make the agreed payment will result in late interest charges at the maximum rate permitted, as certified by the Financial Superintendence.
3. SAFEKEEPING OF MONEY AND VALUABLE ITEMS. The GUEST may entrust money and valuable items to the HOTEL for safekeeping, with a receipt provided. To do so, the items must be handed over to the HOTEL’s designated staff member, and an official record must be drawn up detailing the money or objects deposited. The HOTEL’s responsibility shall be that of a custodian, in accordance with Article 1196 of the Commercial Code. Valuable items such as jewelry, cameras, money, computers, mobile phones, equipment, or other belongings left in the room or in service areas not designated by the HOTEL for safekeeping shall remain solely at the GUEST’s risk. In such cases, the HOTEL assumes no liability for loss or damage. A security box is available in each room for the GUEST’s use.
4. OBLIGATIONS OF THE HOTEL. The HOTEL is obligated to: 4.1.- Provide the services specified in this contract. 4.2.- Receive, process, and respond to any suggestions, complaints, or claims submitted by the GUEST. 4.3.- Safeguard any money or valuable items entrusted by the GUEST, with a receipt issued for safekeeping, in accordance with Article 1195 of the Commercial Code. 4.4.- Fulfill any other obligations established by law.
5. GUEST OBLIGATIONS 5.1.- The guest must present a valid identification document to register at the hotel. Colombian citizens must present their national ID card, while foreign nationals must provide their passport. For minors, a valid identification document must be presented. 5.2.- The guest must pay the accommodation fee along with the applicable taxes. 5.3.- The guest must pay for all charges and expenses incurred during their stay. 5.4.- The guest must maintain appropriate behavior and dress in a respectful manner. 5.5.- The guest is responsible, even in cases of slight negligence, for fulfilling their obligations and those of their companions or invitees. 5.6.- The guest must register all companions or invitees at the hotel reception before they enter the room and pay the corresponding fee for each additional person. 5.7.- The guest must respect the maximum occupancy limit per room. 5.8.- The guest acknowledges that engaging in sports, physical exercise, operating vehicles or vessels, using tools or equipment, or any other activity involving risk is done at their own discretion and exclusive responsibility. The guest and their companions must have the necessary skills and knowledge to undertake such activities and assume all associated risks, releasing the hotel and its staff from any liability for injuries or damages that may occur. 5.9.- The guest must use the furniture, appliances, equipment, and all facilities in both the room and the hotel responsibly, maintaining them in their original condition. The guest will be liable for any damage or loss of hotel property, even in cases of slight negligence. In the event of total or partial damage or loss of hotel property due to the guest’s actions or those of their companions, the guest must pay the price determined by the hotel, plus an additional 50% as a penalty. 5.10.- The guest must respect the authority of the hotel manager. 5.11.- The guest must allow hotel staff to inspect or monitor the room when deemed necessary by the hotel manager. This right will be exercised reasonably and includes the authority to enter or inspect the room if required. 5.12.- The guest must allow hotel staff to access the room for routine maintenance and housekeeping services. 5.13.- The guest must refrain from the commercialization of protected fauna and flora species, as well as national cultural heritage goods, in accordance with applicable legal regulations (Law 17 of 1981 and Law 397 of 1997).
6. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. The accommodation contract will terminate under the following events: 6.1- Upon expiration of the agreed-upon term. 6.2.- In case of non-compliance with any of the obligations of the parties, specifically non-payment of the price or fee owed by the GUEST, or failure to pay for food, drinks, or other additional services charged to the room or the personal account of the GUEST. 6.3.- In situations where, at the exclusive discretion of the HOTEL, the behavior or attire of the GUEST is deemed inappropriate, or if the HOTEL considers it to be disruptive to the peace and/or health of other guests or visitors of the HOTEL. PARAGRAPH: The termination of the contract does not exempt or release the GUEST from the payment of any outstanding balances.
7. EFFECTS OF TERMINATION 7.1.- Upon termination of the contract, the HOTEL may freely dispose of the room. 7.2.- Upon termination of the contract, regardless of the reason for termination, the HOTEL is authorized to enter the room, prepare and sign an inventory of the guest’s belongings and luggage in the presence of two (2) witnesses, and remove them from the room for safekeeping in a secure and appropriate location. The HOTEL assumes no responsibility for these belongings, which remain at the GUEST’s sole risk and expense. 7.3.- The HOTEL has the right to retain the GUEST’s luggage and belongings left in the room. Therefore, if there is any outstanding balance owed by the GUEST, the HOTEL will not return the luggage or belongings until the full amount due has been paid. 7.4.- If the GUEST fails to settle the outstanding balance with the HOTEL within thirty (30) days from the due date, the HOTEL may dispose of and sell the GUEST’s luggage and belongings to cover the unpaid amount, including accrued interest, as well as any costs and expenses incurred for storage and other related expenses resulting from the default. Any remaining balance, if applicable, will be made available to the GUEST. In case of a shortfall, the HOTEL may take the necessary legal actions to recover the total outstanding amount. 7.5.- The HOTEL, or any entity representing its interests, is authorized to report, process, request, and disclose to credit bureaus or any other relevant entity managing financial databases, all information regarding the GUEST’s commercial behavior in relation to their financial obligations.
8. ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY AND PREVENTION OF COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (CSEC). 8.1.- The HOTEL is a committed organization in the fight against exploitation, pornography, and sex tourism involving children and adolescents. We strictly comply with Law 679 of 2001 and Law 1336 of 2009. Guests, visitors, and any other individuals are hereby warned that the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the context of travel and tourism (CSEC) in Colombia is a criminal offense under the Penal Code. The HOTEL will report to the authorities any behavior that may constitute or raise suspicion of CSEC-related crimes. 8.2.- In compliance with Colombian regulations and to ensure proper registration of minors, they must be accompanied by their parents and/or legal guardian, presenting their birth certificate or identification document at check-in, depending on their country of birth. If accompanied by an adult other than their parents and/or legal guardian, the authorization must be notarized or authenticated by a consulate in accordance with the regulations of the country of origin. A copy of the parents’ and/or legal guardian’s identification document must also be presented.
9. LEGAL NATURE OF THE CONTRACT. In accordance with Law 300 of 1996 and Law 2068 of 2020, the lodging contract is a lease agreement, of a commercial and adhesion nature, and it is evidenced by the hotel registration card issued by the HOTEL, accepted by the signature of the GUEST, which certifies that the GUEST adheres to the terms outlined herein.
10. SMOKING CHARGES IN THE ROOMS. All rooms at the HOTEL are smoke-free. If the GUEST smokes in the room, they will be required to pay (i) the cost incurred by the HOTEL to deodorize and clean the room, estimated at an amount equivalent to USD 100, calculated based on the representative market rate on the day of payment, and (ii) the value of (2) nights at the corresponding room rate, as the cleaning and deodorizing process means that the HOTEL will be unable to use the room for the following two (2) nights.
11. PRIVACY NOTICE. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA: In accordance with Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 on Data Protection and related regulations, as the data subject, I hereby expressly authorize with my signature the inclusion of my personal data in a database under the responsibility of HOTELES BOGOTÁ PLAZA S.A. for processing, which may include the collection, storage, use, circulation, and final destination for the purposes of guest and companion registration, administrative management, customer loyalty, internal statistics management, reservation management, billing and payments, financial and accounting management, tax management, marketing, opinion surveys, sending information and commercial communications through registered channels, business prospecting, in-house advertising, market segmentation, offering of products and services, management of the SIAT platform registration and updates with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism in accordance with Resolution 700 of 2021, and consultation of information from public and private sources or restricted lists for the prevention of LA/FT and due diligence on counterparties. Additionally, if applicable, I expressly authorize as the legal representative of the minors I include as guests to incorporate their personal data into a database under the responsibility of HOTELES BOGOTÁ PLAZA S.A. for processing, which may include the collection, storage, use, circulation, and final destination for the aforementioned purposes. Providing information related to Sensitive Data, which is understood as data that affects privacy or could lead to discrimination, or data regarding minors, is voluntary. The data subject has the right to access, correct, or delete their data, revoke their authorization, or file a complaint regarding a violation of their data by sending a written request to HOTELES BOGOTÁ PLAZA S.A. via email at mercadeo@hotelesbogotaplazahotel.com, stating the right they wish to exercise in the subject line, or by regular mail to Calle 100 N° 18 A – 30, Bogotá. The personal data processing policy is available for consultation on the Hotel’s website.
I declare that I have read and understood the Individual Accommodation Service Agreement, which appears in this registration, and I agree with its terms. Therefore, I sign as a sign of my consent.